An Introduction to the SATPAC Program and Approach
A Recorded Webinar, August 29, 2022
By Stephen Sacks, M.A., CCC-SLP
This webinar (not for CEUs) gives the basics of the SATPAC Program and Approach that has been so successful in remediating speech sound disorders. The 2 hour webinar includes questions at the end of the webinar. If you like what you hear, I will be doing a series of three 3-hour webinars for CEUs beginning in October, 2022, going into much more detail, specific sound remediation, peer-reviewed studies of SATPAC and case studies. All webinars will be recorded and if you sign up, you will receive links to the presentations if you would like to watch at your convenience.
Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17M0WX1iLnAwSH_tTuZYdIxfiP3D4HVR1/view?